Computer Science Research – BP 2


There are two areas that I am interested in, one is programming and the other is educational technology. Our library has research hubs for different majors. My major page is located at With my other interest in education is located at On top of having these awesome resource pages, each subject has a dedicated librarian. Kevin Drees is the Computer Science Liaison Librarian. Steve Locy is the Education Liaison Librarian.

The computer science home page has quite a few links and that is all. Most of the links lead to a science or engineering page. Some of the databases include IEEE XploreComputers and Applied Sciences Complete, and KnovelWorld Wide Web ConsortiumYahoo! Science — Computer Science are two of the useful links provided to help us stay informed on what is happening in our subject matter. Searching Engineering Village on Computer Science came with top results touching on computer science education. The topics varied from communication skills into the curriculum to bridging the gap between theory and practice.

After looking at an excellent paper on CS trends, I have a better idea of where research efforts are being spent. A couple of the topics that are popular are security, privacy,  and artificial intelligence. Security and privacy are pressing issues in many sectors. These two particularly impact everyone’s lives. Here a couple months ago, Target was attacked and lost an enormous amount of credit card information. The NSA Prism program came to light after Edward Snowden leaked information.  As I said, these topic are at an all time high with events like these in headline news.

PS. Listen to this youtube channel as you write! Here is the link.

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